Hello there, I'm

Hong Kun

Software Developer

Get In Touch

About me

Hong Kun's profile picture

I'm currently enrolled in McGill University's Honours Computer Science program. I've been introduced to programming in high school and have ever since fallen in love with it. I'm super analytical and detail-oriented, so it's pretty much a match made in heaven!

The world of machine learning, cloud computing, and distributed systems are a few of the many fields that have piqued my interest. In our world of ever emerging new technologies, I view learning as a never ending background task that propels me forward at every step of the way.

Work Experience


Software Development Intern

June 2019 — August 2019

  • Developed a server-side REST API for Cloudockit, a cloud environment diagram generator for AWS, Azure and GCP, using .NET Framework, through which end consumers can trigger document generation.
  • Built an interactive page using HTML, CSS, and Javascript through which end consumers can visualize and interact with the API’s endpoints
  • Developed test cases that detected irregularities and unwanted changes within template documents and generated documents using Aspose file management APIs

Contact me

I'm always open to new opportunities and exciting adventures to embark on, so don't hesitate to get in touch!